Our Favorite Books

Our team has compiled a collection of our favorite reads as well as our most beloved herbalism books. Never stop learning.

Herbalism Books

A Modern Herbal

by Mrs. M. Grieve

The medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and economic properties, cultivation and folk-lore of herbs, grasses, fungi, shrubs, and trees with their modern scientific uses.

The Earthwise Herbal

by Matthew Wood

This two-volume set profiles old world (and new) plants, encompassing all the major, and many of the secondary herbs of traditional and modern Western herbalism.

The Green Pharmacy

by James A. Duke

Full of recipes, stories, and references to studies. Unlike many herbal books, it is organized by ailment which makes it quick to find ideas when searching. A reference book that can be read like a novel, for the simple joy of it.

Culpeper's Complete Herbal

by Nicholas Culpeper

Mycelium Running

by Paul Stamets

Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide

by Rosemary Gladstar

Energetic Herbalism

by Kat Maier

The Herb Book

by John Lust

The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm & Stable

by Juliette de Bairacli Levy

Medicinal Mushrooms

by Christopher Hobbs

Scottish Herbs & Fairy Lore

by Ellen Evert Hopman

Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health

by Rosemary Gladstar

Herbal Body Book

by Jeanne Rose

Back to Eden

by Jethro Kloss

Herbal Healing for Women

by Rosemary Gladstar

Brandon's Favorites

Touch The Earth

by T.C. McLuhan

Touch The Earth is a self-portrait of Native American existence in a country that was in no way kind to the people or their way of life. Passages range from witty to deeply emotional, while others sing with beauty and eloquence so powerful one might think the authors had a better grasp of the language than native English speakers. There are truths and lessons, and thought provoking subjects that may shake you to your core and leave you seeing the world different than you ever have before.

The Giver

by Louis Lowry

The Giver is a fun read with intriguing points of reflection upon one’s own life and perception, shedding light on a myriad of truths about society.

Harry Potter series

by J.K. Rowling

The world of Harry Potter is a magical and intriguing place, and what these novels gift the reader is so much more than a strange tale of witchy ways to live. Rather, they give the reader a chance to leave all concerns of reality behind while venturing into a world that offers wonder and awe, and endless possibilities. There are fantastic lessons of humility, acceptance, and so much more; many of which inspire the reader to be good at heart, while also promoting confidence and bravery to step up and change the world into a place that can accept all, rather than a select few.


by Daniel Quinn

Ishmael is a fascinating philosophical discussion in socratic style between a teacher and his pupil. It examines the hidden cultural biases driving modern civilization, and explores themes of ethics, sustainability and the direction our culture is heading. Quinn is an articulate writer who inspires deep thought with eye opening prose that comes easy to readers without the esoteric meanderings that bog down many philosophical novels.

Leah's Favorites

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll

The first book I fell in love with. As a young reader, it was difficult to catch my attention. This book certainly did with its eccentric antics. It is a lovable whirlwind of events in a dreamlike land, where everything is not as it seems.

Delirium series

by Lauren Oliver

The Delirium Series is set in a world where love is a disease and illegal. They "cure" having feelings of love by doing brain surgery and it is mandatory for anyone over 18 years of age. It starts by following a young girl who is about to receive "the cure". This dystopian series is a good reminder of how amazing and powerful love can be.

The Definitive Book of Body Language

by Allan & Barbara Pease

This book teaches you how to pick up on people's nonverbal communication, which can change the way someone sees the world. Body language can speak louder than verbal language.

Jenni's Favorites

Braiding Sweetgrass

by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Beautiful mix of science and olde ways written by a woman with a true understanding of what it means to be a real human being.

Into The Wilderness

by Sara Donati

A page-turner that takes place in the wilds of America in 1792, that revels in how this land once looked and felt. It embraces the wildness, then delivers many more books in the series once you fall in love.

Outlander series

by Diana Gabaldon

Scottish highlanders, plant medicine, and adventure...what's not to love?

Sarah's Favorites


by Kent Haruf

Plainsong is an emotional read featuring four incredibly powerful stories. The books pace is dry yet the story is riveting, you may feel impassioned by Haruf’s writing. Kent Haruf provides an excellent representation of how poor mental health can effect a marriage and their children as well as their social lives. This book certainly has its quirks and may not be for everyone, but the stories are so intriguing you’ll be wanting one more chapter. 

Into Thin Air

by Jon Krakauer

Into Thin Air is a well-known story about Jon’s horrific expedition on Mount Everest. Eight lives were lost while others were stranded in a deadly storm. Underneath Jon’s impeccable diction and seamless writing lies a gruesome tale and the aftermath. This read may not be the most pleasant, but it will most likely have you completely rethinking Everest.

The Outsiders

by S.E. Hinton

This classic story is simple yet complex, featuring a young boy and his brothers conflicted with a vicious gang and a broken home. The dialogue is smooth and each character has a unique personality. You may find this a must read over and again. Does any other book truly sound more exciting than a drama taken place in the 1950’s?