Green Path Academy: School of Herbalism

Our family has been walking the green path for many generations, following in the footsteps of our elders who came before, who always reached a hand behind them to lead the next in line. We feel it is our turn to reach out a hand, not only to the next generation, but to members of our community who are ready to place their own feet on the green path. Walk with us.

The Green Path Academy: School of Herbalism started with the earnest desire to share the art of natural healing. Our family has maintained a deep connection with the natural world through more than ten generations of learning with our eyes, hearts, minds and spirits open, as well as our hands in the soil and our feet grounded upon mother earth. The creators of Woodland Herbal, Brandon Elijah Scott & Jenni Parsons, have decided to recognize the need in our community to share a common sense approach to health care and wellness. They take a down-to-earth approach, employing methods and techniques of western herbalism with their Scottish heritage and Appalachian roots, with the ultimate goal being to return the power of self healing and plant knowledge back to the people.

In recent decades, there’s been a renaissance in herbal medicine and while many herbalists take the path of studying in a classroom in an urban setting, we wanted to offer a different path. We call this path the Green Path, because we believe learning about the plants from a textbook can never replace hands on experience. In order to understand the plants, you must have a connection to the plants. Our family is eager to share our enthusiasm, generational wisdom, and fresh ideas with the members of our community.

12-Course Herbalist Certificate Track

Imagine a world where nature handed you what you needed, when you needed it. No cost to you. No trip to the store. Did you know the “weeds” around you had value to your health and could feed and nourish you and your family? What if we told you right out your back door are plants that can do all this and more. What if these plants were your pharmacy, grocery store, beauty parlor, spa, and pain clinic? What if when you looked at your garden, you saw friends instead of weeds that need pulled, you knew them by name and you understood their value?

This imagined world is our family’s reality, and it’s a beautiful way of life. While we’ll never stop walking the path and learning more, we recognize the responsibility to reach a hand behind to the next in line. We’re eager to teach what we know and to learn new things from our students. [Jenni just called all this word salad… Writers take a break. "Do you realize how difficult it is to pull multiple lifetime’s of hard work, passion, and experience, as well as sensory, emotional, and spirituality input into a few concise paragraphs? This is ridiculous, but I digress. Back with the spiel!”]

The Green Path certificate track is a hands-on practical course made up of 12 classes, designed to introduce you to the world of herbs, taking you along the whole process from seed to harvest to medicine. This transformative experience will put the power of your health back in your hands. This is not your traditional seminar at a podium, but more of a roundtable of friends and peers. All classes will be held at the lovely Clary Gardens botanical sanctuary, a non-profit dedicated to education and environmental stewardship.

Everyone is welcome from beginner to intermediate to elder, who want to share time with people who are passionate about plants. In these classes, you can expect to learn cultivation to preparation, recipe making to how herbs effect the systems of the body, and how to invite plants into your life to keep your body in balance. You will learn just enough to get excited and want to go home and play, and to learn more. The green path is never ending, and we are still ever learning, and we believe this is an art that can never be mastered. It’s ever changing and there’s a world of knowledge constantly growing… isn't that awesome? [Brandon thinks this is rambling. Jenni says, “Just do it!”]

Upcoming Classes

Herbalist Certificate Track: Once a student has completed all 12 classes (denoted with an asterisk*), they will be presented with a beautiful certificate of completion.

Anyone may attend any class at anytime, with one exception: Those seeking to complete the Herbalist Certificate Track will be required to complete Welcome to the World of Plants, Herbal First Aid, and Medicine Maker before attending Intensive #1 and #2.

Experience level indicated by stars: Beginner: ★☆☆, Intermediate: ★★☆, Advanced: ★★★

*TIME CHANGE NOTICE: All 1 PM classes have been moved to 2 PM to accommodate church goers and those traveling from far away.

Welcome to the World of Plants: Learn Herbalism with Woodland Herbal* ★☆☆
A wonder-filled introduction to the series of classes ahead, with hands-on experience, tastings, herb walk, and stories.
2-3 hours, $35. Next class: March 30, 2025 @ 2:00 PM - July 13, 2025 @ 2:00 PM - Past classes: July 7, 2024 @ 3:00 PM (SOLD OUT) - October 20, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

Herbal First Aid: Emergency Situations, Safety and Preparations* ★☆☆
Learn how to build your own first aid kit, remedies, preparations, safety tips, foraging and survival techniques.
2-3 hours, $40. Next class: February 16, 2025 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35) - August 24, 2025 @ 2:00 PM - Past classes: August 4, 2024 @ 3:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

Medicine Maker: Learn the Art of Herbalism* ★☆☆
Intro to plant medicine making, using herbs for self care, children and pet safety, state of mind, intention and stewardship, as well as how to use preparations like tincture, tea, poultice, salve, and aromatherapy.
3-4 hours, $55. Next class: January 19, 2025 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35) - May 4, 2025 @ 3:00 PM - Past classes: August 25, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

Body In Balance: Reproductive, Endocrine & Hormones* ★★☆
Learn how to live in balance, how plants effect the systems of the body, and materia medica. Class focus on the reproductive system and endocrine system, and hormones for women and men. 3 hours, $55. Next class: September 15, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35)

Body In Balance: Respiratory & Immune System* ★★☆
Learn the importance of a healthy immune system and the plant allies that help keep us in balance. Aromatherapy and soothing the lungs during flu season and beyond.
3 hours, $55. Next class: November 17, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35)

A Herbal Holiday: Culinary Focus ★☆☆
Join culinary herbalist Barb Keith (Mama) as she teaches how to incorporate herbs in your meals, shares simple recipes, and sample some of her famous baking. Food is medicine!
2 hours, $25. Next class: December 1, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 30)

Body In Balance: Brain & Nervous System* ★★☆
The brain, spinal cord, and nerves kept calm and healthy equals good health for your entire self. Nervine and adaptogen materia medica, covering pain, stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
3 hours, $55. Next class: December 15, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35)

Body In Balance: Gastrointestinal & Urinary System* ★★☆
Materia medica with focus on diuretic and carminative plants, learn to sooth heartburn, indigestion, kidney infections. Study eating with the seasons for wellness and maintaining healthy weight.
3 hours, $55. Next class: February 2, 2025 @ 2:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35)

Body In Balance: Liver, Lymph & Skin Care* ★★☆
A spring tonic how-to, hands-on creating from the plants on site. Materia medica with focus on local alteratives for skin eruptions, seasonal allergies, and overall wellness.
3 hours, $55. Next class: March 2, 2025 @ 3:00 PM (LIMITED TO 35)

Body In Balance: Heart & Cardiovascular* ★★☆
Herbs to support the overall health and function of the heart and vascular system, lifestyle ideas and plant allies to help longevity and wellness, with materia medica.
3 hours, $55. Next class: April 6, 2025 @ 3:00 PM

Body In Balance: Whole Body Health* ★★☆
Lifestyle ideas and plant allies to help longevity and wellness for everyone, from head to toe. Learn to create a full protocol for maintaining balance and good health, addressing mind, body, and spirit.
3-4 hours, $65. Next class: May 18, 2025 @ 2:00 PM

Intensive #1: The Whole Process from Seed to Medicine: Gardening, Foraging, Harvesting, Recipe Making* ★★★
How to design a useful herb garden, tips for plant identification, when and how to harvest, dry, and store your herbs, and learn to create your own tea, tincture, and salve recipes.
4-5 hours, $95. Next class: June 29, 2025 @ 12:00 PM

Intensive #2: Hands On Herbalism: Medicine In Practice & Certificate Track Graduation* ★★★
Hands-on experience creating teas, tinctures and topicals. Bring family or friend in need and we will address their situation with herbal remedies. Create a protocol for balance and wellness, and a tonic/tincture/tea/or salve personalized to their needs. Final knowledge review and certificates awarded.
6 hours, $125. Next class: August 10, 2025 @ 12:00 PM

Embracing Natural Beauty: The Herbal Way ★☆☆
Leave the chemical filled beauty products behind and learn to pamper yourself the natural way. Herbal secrets for hair care, skin care for all ages, cosmetics and sunblock you can easily make for your family at home. Everyone leaves with some wonderful herbal goodies!
2-3 hours, $50. Next class: July 21, 2024 @ 2:00 PM (SOLD OUT)

*Herbalist Certificate Track class.

Meet Your Instructors

Brandon Elijah Scott

Brandon is a herbalist, photographer, adventurer, and artist. Plants called to him over a decade ago when life’s lows felt all too consuming. The fire the plants and fungi lit has grown ever since. He founded Woodland Herbal and Green Path Academy with Jenni in 2018/2019. His biggest influence was his family’s generational knowledge, their view and respect for the plants, and how they follow the old ways.

Jennifer Parsons

Jenni is the result of hundreds of years of tonic inventing, apothecary owning, plant loving, healer ancestors. Her feet were set on the green path before she could walk. She is an artist, instructor at the Green Path Academy, and herbalist humbly serving her community alongside her family, both in-person and through the family business, Woodland Herbal.

Hosted at Clary Gardens

Clary Gardens is a beautiful 20-acre botanical garden that is free and open to the public.

588 West Chestnut Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812

The hillside landscape makes for a unique experience for all. Clary Gardens offers recreational trails for all ages and varying levels of terrain, showcasing the rose garden all the way through our half-mile woodland loop - a fascinating area with natural geologic formations (a local favorite).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I expect to experience?

A: Our family is lucky, as we have generations of herbalists to lean on for ideas, insight and wisdom. When we get excited about learning something new, we have our plant loving family members on speed dial to get excited with us! We are comfortable with herbalism because we have a network of knowledge to lean on. We know this is something special and rare. We believe it is our responsibility to pay it forward to our community. We wish to create a circle of friends to share what we have learned, challenge each other, and build a network of wisdom to lean on together.

"My dream is an herbalist in every family, in every community, on every corner!" –Rosemary Gladstar.

Classes with the Green Path Academy are inclusive, friendly, and kind. You can expect hands-on experiences, a round table of friends from beginner to elder, and a chance to learn from the plants themselves in a beautiful botanical garden. You can expect to be inspired and challenged by a welcoming family with generous hearts.

The green path is calling, won't you walk with us?

Q: What's included in the 12-course certificate track?

A: The 12-course herbalist certificate track is made up of the following classes:
Welcome to the World of Plants: Learn Herbalism with Woodland Herbal
Herbal First Aid: Emergency Situations, Safety and Preparations
• Medicine Maker: Learn the Art of Herbalism
• Body In Balance: Reproductive, Endocrine & Hormones
• Body In Balance: Respiratory & Immune System
• Body In Balance: Nervous System
• Body In Balance: Gastrointestinal & Urinary System
• Body In Balance: Liver, Lymph & Skin Care
• Body In Balance: Heart & Cardiovascular
• Body In Balance: Whole Body Health
• Intensive #1: The Whole Process from Seed to Medicine: Gardening, Foraging, Harvesting, Recipe Making
• Intensive #2: Hands On Herbalism: Medicine In Practice & Certificate Track Graduation

If you purchase all 12-courses in advance, saving you 20% off class fees, you will be able to attend each of the aforementioned classes once. If you miss a class, you can make it up the next time we offer the class. There are other classes and events on our schedule, but they are not included in the 12-course special offer, and are considered electives, which you would need to sign up for separately.

Q: What if I miss a class?

A: We will repeat classes every year, if not more often. This will depend on how many people request a class to be repeated. If you sign up for the 12-course certificate track and miss a class, we can add your request to a wait list, and when we receive enough requests, we will schedule a repeated class. Otherwise, all of our certificate track classes will be repeated at least once a year.

Q: Will I become a licensed herbalist with the 12-course certificate track?

A: No, as there are no official licensing requirements to practice as a herbalist. Our classes are meant to provide a spark, so you leave excited to dig deeper and learn more after discovering the area of Herbalism that calls to you most. We are dedicated to common sense herbalism with the goal being to put the power of your and your family's wellness in your own hands.

It's important to take note that we are not doctors. We are herbalists, teaching our passion for the plants. Any medical-related information shared during these classes are for entertainment and educational purposes only. We do not recommend treating others as a physician or medical professional would, for without proper education and experience, great harm can be done.

Q: What is required to attend a Green Path Academy class?

A: An open mind and a desire to learn. No previous training is required. Everyone is welcome.

Please note: All attendees are required to sign a liability waiver prior to instruction. If a student refuses to complete and sign this form, they will be asked to leave before a class can proceed. No refunds will be given for refusal to sign the educational agreement.

Q: Who is allowed to attend?

A: Anyone may attend any class at anytime, with one exception: Those seeking to complete the Herbalist Certificate Track will be required to complete Welcome to the World of Plants, Herbal First Aid, and Medicine Maker before attending Intensive #1 and #2.

Q: What if I pay for a class and I end up not being able to make it?

A: While all class fees are non-refundable, you may switch your investment toward a future class of your choice. Please note that class purchases are non-transferrable, and there will be no refunds given for no shows or cancellations.

Q: What do I need to bring?

A: A notebook, pen, an open mind and a smile. Come prepared by dressing to be outdoors, sturdy shoes recommended. This is a hands-on opportunity, making our program different than the popular at home courses.

Q: How do I ensure I won't have an allergic reaction?

A: Always perform a spot check on the inside of your arm. Apply a small quantity of product to skin, smaller than the size of a dime, and then wait several hours. We only offer our opinions and resources based on research, product testing amongst ourselves, and customer reviews. We are not medical professionals and can not advise on ailments, treatments, nor allergies. Ingredients are listed as a courtesy to provide you with every opportunity to avoid allergic reactions.

Q: What is Green Path Academy's disclaimer?

A: Green Path Academy LLC's classes are not accredited, and any recipes or products sold there have not reviewed by the FDA. We do not make any claims, promises, or about the health benefits of any products. All statements are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent disease. We only offer our opinions and resources based on research, product testing amongst ourselves, and customer reviews. Any and all ingredients, recipes, and products discussed or shared are intended to support well-being, overall awesomeness, and are not meant to treat disease nor replace medical treatment. Use at your own risk. We are not responsible for accidents, misuse, or adverse reactions. Everybody reacts differently to plant-medicines and caution should be taken at all times. Always seek advice from a medical professional or primary care physician.

While we are four generations of herbalists, we are not doctors. We do not make health claims, offer health-related advice, nor can we diagnose conditions. The information provided on this site or in any class is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or any health-related concern. The information on this website and in every class are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Woodland Herbal or Green Path Academy site.

For more information on disclaimers and disclosures, please click link at bottom of this page.