Walk With Us: Memoirs & Meanderings

Summer Dreaming: Planning our Herb Shop

Summer Dreaming: Planning our Herb Shop

The temperatures are soaring and the grass feels crisp underfoot here in Ohio. You can almost hear the trees and plants cry out for rain. The land has gained a golden hue as autumn creeps closer, and the air is scented with sweet passion flowers and spearmint that are happily growing everywhere except the places I have originally planted them.
Everything seems to slow down in the dusty heat, even me...
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Green Path Academy: School of Herbalism

Green Path Academy: School of Herbalism

Our family has been walking the green path for many generations, following in the footsteps of our elders who came before, who always reached a hand behind them to lead the next in line. We feel it is our turn to reach out a hand, not only to the next generation, but to members of our community who are ready to place their own feet on the green path. Walk with us.

The Green Path Academy: School of Herbalism started with the earnest desire...

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As the Wheel of the Year Turns: Spring

As the Wheel of the Year Turns: Spring

As the wheel of the year turns once again to spring, it is time to appreciate the bounty waiting for us in our backyards! April brings new, fresh, and tasty plants patiently waiting to share their wonders with us.

My family and I had the great honor of participating in the Coshocton, Ohio Herb Society's biannual herb fair this week. Along with my "lovely assistant," Brandon, I shared a little about a few of our local plant allies...

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Learn by Teaching

Learn by Teaching

Herbalism is a subject so vast; I know I will spend my entire life learning and still only understand very little. While I find this idea incredible and exciting, it can be very overwhelming for a person who is just starting on their herbal journey. Where do you begin?

One of the best ways to learn is by teaching. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out:

Go to your local library and borrow plant...

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Herbal Zodiac Fun! What Product is Perfect For Your Sign?

Herbal Zodiac Fun! What Product is Perfect For Your Sign?

Have you ever wondered what Woodland Herbal product is perfect for you based on your Zodiac sign?

Are you a firey Aries? A creative Pieces? A fierce scorpio? Find your zodiac sign and see what Woodland Herbal product is perfect for your personality. Need a birthday gift for a friend? Use our chart to find a gift best suited to them. Let's have some fun today!

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As the Wheel of the Year Turns: Winter

As the Wheel of the Year Turns: Winter

In our family, we are very fortunate to have several generations to learn from, spend time with, and love. My Grandma, Patricia, is the most wonderful woman. The feisty octogenarian has spent her life working hard at her career, tending a farm, raising children, gardening, and volunteering for local organizations. Now retired, grandma is a self proclaimed "Lady of Leisure." When I first heard her say that, I pictured a Jane Austin heroine sprawled on an overstuffed sofa with a book in hand and surrounded by chocolates and steaming mugs of tea. Turns out, that was exactly what she meant. Just when...

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Hints and Tips from Mama

Hints and Tips from Mama

Hint- In cooking, herbs are meant to be used to enhance your dish, not dominate it.

Tip- As guests arrive for a visit, the first thing you will hear as they enter your home is what a wonderful aroma. Cooking with herbs enhances the aroma, but if you’re not cooking that day, try heating up a small saucepan. Add two cups water, two cinnamon sticks, a teaspoon of whole clove, a piece of orange peel, a pinch of lemon balm or verbena, or any other herb that makes you happy. Heat to a boil, reduce heat to a low simmer and simmer for 20 minutes. Turn off heat and allow to cool on the stove. Your house will smell fabulous, and welcoming to others.

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My Journey To Herbalism: Jennifer Parsons

My Journey To Herbalism: Jennifer Parsons

My herbal journey began early, as I am the daughter of Barb Keith, a wonderful culinary herbalist. You can learn more about Barb in Cooking with Mama, an earlier article. My family is the result of hundreds of years of tonic inventing, hospital building, apothecary owning, plant loving, healer ancestors.

While my mama's passion is cooking and creating amazing herbal dishes, I am drawn to the healing properties of plants. When in school, I remember classmates asking if I knew a plant that could help a sick belly, a headache, a bruise. I would rush home and pull mama's herbals from the shelf, and before long I knew the answers to their inquiries.

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The Woodland Herbal Team Shares: "My Perfect Day"

The Woodland Herbal Team Shares: "My Perfect Day"

We thought it would be fun to highlight what our team members feel would happen on our perfect day and what that might look like, in the hopes of giving you a glimpse into who we are so you can get to know who's behind the medicines we make. We also hope you will jot down your favorite things that would make up your own perfect day, with the goal being to work a little toward that each day, even if that means to simply notice that which you enjoy occurred, even if only for a fleeting moment. Because while a perfect day may not be truly realistic, it's the little things that bring happiness and joy in life.

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Wisdom Lost Through The Ages: WRITE IT DOWN!

Wisdom Lost Through The Ages: WRITE IT DOWN!

To those who have decided to learn more about herbs, I encourage you to write things down!

This advice comes in many forms, but most important is keeping good informative labels on your bottles and jars. It is easy to ignore this step when you get started. You've spent the spring and summer growing and tending plants, spent the autumn harvesting and drying, and now you have the jars full of herbs...

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First Frost, Last Harvest

First Frost, Last Harvest

Nothing jolts an herbalist into action like the two words: Frost tonight.

We have an annual tradition in our family, whoever hears those two words in the weather forecast first is responsible for calling and texting the family so we can all jump up and shout, "FROST TONIGHT!”

Though most of us have been harvesting and wildcrafting through the summer and autumn, first hard frost marks the last opportunity to gather any tender plants we might want to dry for winter and spring use.

After the call we all grab harvest baskets and shears and head to our gardens to fill...

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As The Wheel of the Year Turns: Autumn

As The Wheel of the Year Turns: Autumn

We all can feel the wheel of the year turn from summer to autumn, the air is a little crisper and cooler, leaves are changing to bright colors, porches are full of pumpkins and gourds, and we are pulling out our chunky sweaters. Though beautiful, fall isn't just sipping hot coffee, wandering around apple orchards and eating pumpkin everything. As the seasons shift, we are bombarded with all the stress that comes with it. Kids are back to school and there are lunches to pack, alarm clocks to set, ball games, practices and band rehearsals to remember and homework to finish before bed. Summer sunshine allowed us to spend plenty of time outside, and now kids...

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